Saturday, March 15, 2014

Carnival Charlotte is tonight!!!!
Our centerpieces are ready to decorate the tables at the Hilton Centre Hotel in Charlotte NC. I am sure the combined theme of Carnival in Rio and World Cup 2014 is going to be a big hit. There is something for the eye and something for soccer enthusiasts. 
The pictures tell all ...
Brazil, Croatia, Mexico, Cameroon

Spain, Netherlands, Chile, Australia

Colombia, Greece, Cote d'Ivoire, Japan

Uruguay, Costa Rica, England, Italy 

Switzerland, Ecuador, France, Honduras

Argentina, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iran, Nigeria

Germany, Portugal, Ghana, USA
Belgium, Algeria, Russia, Korea Republic

More pictures to come from tonight's event! LAWA thanks all participants for their contribution...

Monday, February 24, 2014

Carnival invitations are mailed, center pieces done!

Last Wednesday, after a grueling day for me, a knee swollen from a cortisone shot, my dear LAWA friends came with food, wine and cheer. While a group stuffed envelopes with this year's invitation to Carnival Charlotte 2014, others completed all 35 center pieces...
As I mentioned before, the theme is CArnival in Rio + World Cup in Brazil. Glitter, country flags and footballs symbolize the two events, which will give the gala attendants an opportunity to celebrate Charlotte's community!
Violeta, Aida & Alejandra

Stuffing 350 envelopes!
Last touch on some center pieces

A beautiful splash of colors!
Shortly before Carnival Charlotte 2014 I will post every single center piece representing 32 World Cup participating countries...

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Preparing for Carnival 2014

Much time has past since my last posting. I am again reporting on the decorations for an exciting Carnival Charlotte 2014. 
Let me tell you about the Carnival theme this year.  LAWA is combining Carnival in Rio with the World Cup  hosted by Brazil!!!
Inspired by both events our center pieces are going to represent the vibrant colors of Carnival in Rio with the exciting soccer competition!
Diana, Decoration Committee Chair, AĆ­da, Carmen, Conchi, Ana and Violeta came to my home yesterday and started preparing the center pieces:

Preparing the base

Learning how to use a glue gun

making flower bunches!

Adding "verde que te quiero verde"

Ready to add flowers

Finsihed with the first two colors
I am sure you are anxious to see the finished product. While I will report on the progress of our creations, if you really wish to see it, come to Carnival 2014! Mark your calendar for March 15 and join LAWA at the most important fund raiser of the year. 
Celebrating a sports event that represents 32 countries, is an opportunity to reach out beyond the Latino community, embracing the existing cultural richness of Charlotte, NC.